
Please contact me if you would like to discuss a bespoke one off or a series of workshops.
t: +44 7771  864955 | e:

Bespoke training

I offer workshops that look at both perspectives and meet the needs of the organisations and the workforce.  A well person who has space and support to understand their mental health and physical needs, feels supported to maintain their own wellbeing will be more likely to be able to engage fully in their working role, show up with commitment and resilience, improved output and creativity.  Vs employees who do not have the safe space, language and skills to develop and understand their needs, or do not feel they can prioritise these needs are likely to be showing up or being off sick and will demonstrate less resilience, creativity and output.  Investment in self is an investment which pays forward. 

These have been developed to:

  • Meet business CPD and learning requirements.
  • Work to improve psychological safety, mental health awareness, mental health policy and structure within the workplace.
  • Reduce absenteeism and understand presenteeism
  • support improved wellness and avoid burnout
  • Decrease staff resignations, improve engagement with role and respond to new challenges.
  • Lone working, isolation and new hybrid ways of working on mental health and wellness.

Please contact me if you would like a one off or a series of workshops, I also offer training to professionals to support their clinical roles, as well as to help and support an improved understanding of and response to chronic stress and burnout. 


Our mental health training provided by Louise was really engaging and she was an excellent presenter. It made me really think about mental health in a positive way the diagrams really helped. It made me reflect on how I can protect myself from chronic stress and burnout and why this is so important. It would be good to follow up on this together within the team so we can build on this internally. Thank you for investing in this for us.

Womens Aid

I felt flat, unhappy and unsure of my role any more when I attended this workshop. In fact I did not want to attend the workshop. However the energy, expertise, and authentic approach from Louise meant that I felt safe exploring the impact of Covid on my working life, how i am so likely to be stressed at burnout but that this doesn't mean I am failing in any way. We shared ideas, and simple ways to help us all through the seismic impact of the way Covid hit us all, both personally and professionally, and i left the workshop with a lighter and more hopeful stance. My only complaint is it was not long enough and we could do with some more!

Hertfordshire Community NHS TRUST

This training was so good at providing a detailed outline of the types of mental health problems that exist but in a way that takes into account the body and behaviour. Louise was extremely engaging and made me feel really comfortable discussing things that we would not normally speak about, this made it feels real and valuable, and I learnt skills and techniques to help me and the women we work with. Thank you.

Womens Aid